Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alveda King, Niece of Martin Luther King Jr, endorses McCain-Palin

Black Leaders Support McCain
"I am very excited about the McCain-Palin ticket, simply because they support the values that mean the most to me," Ms. King said. "It is a plus to me that Sarah Palin is a woman because I've been elected to office as a wife and mother. I've been appointed to office as a woman and at the time I was a mother and became a grandmother." 

Ms. King said her experience taught her she could both be a good mother and still serve the public. This is something she has in common with Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska, McCain's running mate.

However, the most important reason she is backing the McCain-Palin ticket is its commitment to the pro-life cause.

God bless you Dr. Alveda King.  
There's an interesting video related to this.

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