Thursday, October 23, 2008

You're so cool


You can spend your time piping polluting petroleum in protected public parks, peddling pro-life propaganda for unplanned pregnancies, and putting lipstick on pigs, polar bears, and police state politics. We'll continue to provide poignant parodies of your party's predictable platforms and pathetic public policies

Nothing says "hip and cool" like a piece of vulgarity.  I'm sure this will go well with that other t-shirt on Palin.  

To be "Fair and Balanced", I've looked all over the net and this was the worst t-shirt I could find on Obama.

This Curious George Obama t-shirt created a huge outrage when it first appeared.   But why does this get people upset when that very same theme was applied to George Bush?  

For eight years the internet was flooded with sites that had images of the president pasted next to a chimp. The left saw no problem with equating Bush to a monkey but apply that to Obama and you have racism stamped on your forehead.  

Now before you go but, but, but, I'm well aware of the history of African Americans and the lables of old stereo types.  So why then would the left want to use that? If being a monkey is equal to being primitive or simple minded and it's been used to describe a person of color, why then use the term at all?  What's the real underlining message?  Are they saying Bush is simple minded like African Americans?   Isn't that racist?   

Getting back to the McCain/Palin t-shirts.  Liberals have always tried to champion women's issues.  From the pro-abortion stance to equality in the work place and in society.  So why would they promote a t-shirt that would demean a woman?  

Or are woman just suppose to go along with this because it attacks conservatives?  

I guess this same rule applies to African Americans as well.  You can use racist terms as long as it's against conservatives.  Michael Steele knows that all too well.  In 2005 he ran for the U.S. Senate and found himself under attack by Black Democrat leaders.
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.

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