Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paying their fair share.

Their Fair Share
I've never understood the mantra that the rich must pay their fair share.  What's fair about taxes?  And why are the rich labeled unfair for paying 40% of the nations taxes when they are only 1% of the population?    

What I also don't understand is why do so many people want to take money from individuals and feed it to this monster called government?  If I look at a news paper at any given time or watch the local news channel there are always stories of government waist or mishandling of funds.   A most common theme in the papers is how the government takes the tax payers money and then gives it to failing company to keep them going long enough to suck more tax payer funds out at a later date.  

Why can't we just say no to taxes?  Let dying companies die off and let the tax payer out of free will give money to charitable organizations in need instead of being forced to give to the government so they can bungle it up.

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